We live in a beautiful old weatherboard house in the Illawarra. The floorboards look down on the dirt below and the wind rises up between them as winter closes in.
On our own we simply accepted this and donned beanies, scarves and jackets to combat the cold. If we stayed up late we would reluctantly use the heater.
But recently we have the absolute delight of having a newborn child :) We suddenly became hyperaware of how freezing cold the house is!!! It is not appropriate for a little baby and we battle the cold to keep her congestion under control.
As she is an intelligent and curious little baby I like to fill the house with colour and interest :) The lounge is covered in various rainbow blankets given to me by my best of friends and our daughter stares at them with wide blue eyes as she feeds.
When it comes to keeping the cold out we had the genius idea of dragging all our existing rugs into the lounge room to experiment with keeping the heat in. It worked!!! I reckon the lounge room is at least 10 degrees warmer now and it is certainly MUCH easier to keep warm! But we cannot then drag them all back into the bedroom at night while we sleep so instead we are running an oil heater for about 12 hours a night! The power bill is probably going to cause me to faint when it arrives!
So I am going to buy a thermometer for the wall and test that theory. Will keep you posted!
NB: Looking at my gallery of ‘rugs’ I realise that I am talking about beautiful TEXTILES and that the word ‘rug’ is really just to describe how I would use said beautiful textiles ;)
I also love lairy Oaxaca textiles though I have not yet found a pic beautiful enough to do them justice. I have a Medicine blanket that I use for my Shaman work that I bought from a lovely South American man at the Bellingen Global Festival about 10 years ago.
We live in a beautiful old weatherboard house in the Illawarra. The floorboards look down on the dirt below and the wind rises up between them as winter closes in.
On our own we simply accepted this and donned beanies, scarves and jackets to combat the cold. If we stayed up late we would reluctantly use the heater.
But recently we have the absolute delight of having a newborn child :) We suddenly became hyperaware of how freezing cold the house is!!! It is not appropriate for a little baby and we battle the cold to keep her congestion under control.
As she is an intelligent and curious little baby I like to fill the house with colour and interest :) The lounge is covered in various rainbow blankets given to me by my best of friends and our daughter stares at them with wide blue eyes as she feeds.
When it comes to keeping the cold out we had the genius idea of dragging all our existing rugs into the lounge room to experiment with keeping the heat in. It worked!!! I reckon the lounge room is at least 10 degrees warmer now and it is certainly MUCH easier to keep warm! But we cannot then drag them all back into the bedroom at night while we sleep so instead we are running an oil heater for about 12 hours a night! The power bill is probably going to cause me to faint when it arrives!
So I am going to buy a thermometer for the wall and test that theory. Will keep you posted!
NB: Looking at my gallery of ‘rugs’ I realise that I am talking about beautiful TEXTILES and that the word ‘rug’ is really just to describe how I would use said beautiful textiles ;)
I also love lairy Oaxaca textiles though I have not yet found a pic beautiful enough to do them justice. I have a Medicine blanket that I use for my Shaman work that I bought from a lovely South American man at the Bellingen Global Festival about 10 years ago.