Sure, you read them when they were given to you, your intentions were good...but you have never really used them have you?
The Solution!
It's so easy! Go through them methodically putting a piece of scrap paper to mark the recipes you would actually make. Then go through them again - are there any special ingredients you need to buy? Realisitically, will you buy them?
Now that your initial bunch of intentions is reduced to a managable number, write the necessary items on your shopping list.
The next step is to commit to this simple task:
I WILL make one new recipe every week.
After a few weeks, review your choices. Will they become part of your recipe repertoire? Or were they just too hard. Cull again until you have a recipe book marked with practical, delicious, healthy meals.
Congratulations! You get to keep them! Otherwise, practice non-attachment and pass them on to friends or donate them to your local charity.