DP Review (funny name, but great site) has pretty much all the info you need and the ability to create side-by-side comparisons of your favourite cameras.
Should you buy a DSLR or Point and Shoot Digital Camera?
The first thing to determine is whether to go for a DSLR or a point and shoot digital camera. Everyone thinks they need a DSLR, but do you really? Sometimes they are more of a hindrance than anything - heavy, cumbersome, expensive so you spend all night looking after it instead of enjoying yourself! Sometimes a point and shoot digital camera is all you need. Assess your needs and find the camera to match.
Here is an article that discusses this very topic:
One quick suggestion is do not buy a Panasonic Lumix anything! The photo quality is about as good as a toy camera - blurry, pixelated and ugly. Awful cameras!
"On ALL compact cameras with MORE than 10MP (that is less than about $600 e.g. Lumix LX3, Powershot G10), you will get a tiny sensor and you WILL get lots of noise and loss of detail. I have many A4 sized prints from my old 3MP Canon A40 that are stunning."